in a world saturated with speakers and overwhelmed with information, listeners are hard to find...

Many Christians feel unheard, unseen, misunderstood and unsupported in their time of need.

Pay attention, therefore, to how you listen... 

Luke 8:18a

LISTENing is a skill. it can be learned!

Listen with the heart is a ministry shaped by a firm belief in God's power to heal and to transform lives through his word, his Spirit, and a loving community of believers. It is birthed from a conviction that the most powerful tools of healing and restoration are contained within the pages of scripture, and that when believers learn to really listen, we become co-facilitators with the Holy Spirit in His ongoing work of healing and wholeness for ourselves and those around us.


a world where believers live holy, wholesome lives; serving as God’s ears and heart; and taking their place as solution bringers to people seeking meaning in the midst of difficult life situations


To equip Christian church and leaders with a holistic, scriptural understanding of emotional health, an experience of compassionate listening, and core skills for listening to God, others and themselves well


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